Author | Boekhout, T. |
Title | Mycenella (J. Lange) Sing. in Notul. syst. Sect. crypt. Inst. bot. Acad. Sci. URSS 4(10-12): 9. 1938 |
Type | Chapter in… |
How Complete | Covers species found, or likely to be found, in the Netherlands. Most British spp are included. |
Source | Noordeloos, M.E. Strophariaceae Sing. & Smith, 81pp, Flora Agaricina Neerlandica 4 |
Illustrations | Line drawings accompany the text |
Review (by Malcolm Storey) | Key to, and descriptions of, five spp. of Mycenella. |
Examine | ![]() |
Specimen Preparation | Microscopy of spores and cystidia |
Notes & Purpose | Status | Taxon | English | Classification |
For identification | Current | Mycenella | a genus of toadstools | Fungi: Agaricales: Tricholomataceae |
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