AuthorDi Giovanni F., Scaramozzino P.L., Loni A. & Lucchi A.
TitleTaxonomic revision of the Campoplex difformis group (Ichneumonidae, Campopleginae), with particular reference to species of economic importance
SourceEuropean Journal of Taxonomy Vol 740: 1-135.
Review (by Malcolm Storey)

Revises Horstmann, K. 1985 Revision der mit difformis (Gmelin,1790) verwandten westpaläarktischen Arten der Gattung Campoplex Gravenhorst, 1829 (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). Entomofauna: zeitschrift für entomologie 6(12): 129-163, so you will need both papers.

Also includes how to recognise Campoplex deficiens.

Notes & PurposeStatusTaxonEnglishClassification
For identificationCurrentCampoplexa genus of campoplegine ichneumon waspsAnimalia: Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae
For identificationCurrentCampoplex deficiensa campoplegine ichneumonAnimalia: Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae
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