AuthorRichardson, M.J. & Watling, R.
TitleKeys to Fungi on Dung
ISBN0 9527704 2 3
How CompleteAscomycota: includes most genera and commoner or well-known temperate species.Perithecial, pseudothecial, cleistothecial and gymnothecial fungi: includes most genera and commoner or well-known temperate species. It also includes spp growing on hair, horn, bone and cadavers spp so applicable to fungi on carnivore dung and pellets of owls and other birds of prey.Basidiomycota: adopts a narrow species concept, and aims to be complete for the UK.Zygomycota: covers commoner genera and species.
Source2 edition, 68pp, British Mycological Society
IllustrationsA few blocks of line drawings in the text
Review (by Malcolm Storey)Handy lab guide to the fungi growing on dung and pellets of owls and other birds of prey.
Errata, Corrigenda & Comments

Basidiomycetes Key, p59:

couplet 49B - 56 should be 66

couplet 50B - 66 should be 56

The key gives no indication of which species are associated with the different kinds of dung.

Examine Compound Microscope ( Stereo Microscope is also useful)
Specimen Preparation

Dung fungi are rarely seen in the field, but are very easily cultured. Collect fresh or dry animal dung (herbivore - rabbit, deer, cow, horse - dung is best to start with) The dung should be placed on damp tissue paper and covered with a jam jar or plastic pot. Keep it indoors in a well-lit spot out of the reach of animals or children. The Zygomycete pin-moulds will apear in the irst few days and the Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes follow over the next few weeks.

Hygenic precautions should be taken at all times: was hand and containers with disinfectant and avoid touching eyes or mouth while working with the fungi. Take particular care when handling carnivore dung and owl pellets as hair and horn fungi can spread to fingernails. Rubber gloves or disposable surgical gloves recommended. Dispose of cultures responsibly - burning or burying them.

Identification difficultyFairly straightforward, although some are very small to handle. Identification generally relies on microscopic structures and spore size.

Notes & PurposeStatusTaxonEnglishClassification
For identificationCurrentASCOMYCOTAspore shooters, ascomyceteFungi
For identificationCurrentBASIDIOMYCOTAspore droppers, basidiomycetesFungi
For identificationCurrentAGARICACEAEmushrooms, dapperlings and parasols, puffballs and bird’s-nestsFungi: Agaricales
For identificationCurrentBOLBITIACEAEfieldcap and conecap toadstoolsFungi: Agaricales
For identificationCurrentPanaeolusmottlegill toadstoolsFungi: Agaricales: Galeropsidaceae
For identificationCurrentPsilocybea genus of brownie toadstoolsFungi: Agaricales: Strophariaceae
For identification, Difficult to see these on the dung as they tend to form a tangle of hyphae. They often require culturing for accurate identification.CurrentMUCORALESan order of pin mouldsFungi
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