Affected Part |
Summary |
Taxon |
Vernacular |
Classification |
References |
Darwin Classification of Active Taxon |
Active Taxon |
Active Vernacular |
Active Taxon Uncertain |
Active State |
Active Part |
Active Stage |
Relationship |
Relationship Uncertain |
Relationship Geography |
Darwin Classification of Passive Taxon |
Passive Taxon |
Passive Vernacular |
Passive Taxon Uncertain |
Passive State |
Passive Part |
Passive Stage |
Passive Taxon's significance to Active Taxon |
Indoors etc |
Season |
Summary |
(soil, wood-chip or straw-mixed) |
soil, wood-chip or straw-mixed dung dung may support fruitbody |
Coprinellus congregatus |
Clustered Inkcap |
Agaricales: Psathyrellaceae |
Checklist of the British and Irish Basidiomycota, Legon, N.W. & Henrici, A. with Roberts, P.J., Spooner, B.M. & Watling, R., 2005
/Fungi/Basidiomycota/Agaricomycetes/Agaricales/Psathyrellaceae/Coprinellus congregatus/ | Coprinellus congregatus | clustered inkcap | | | | fruitbody |
Animal / dung / saprobe | | |
/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Large Herbivores/ | Large Herbivores | cattle, deer, pigs and horses | | soil, wood-chip or straw-mixed | | dung | |
| | fruitbody is saprobic in/on dung or excretions of soil, wood-chip or straw-mixed dung |
(straw-mixed) |
straw-mixed dung dung may support fruitbody |
Conocybe antipus |
a conecap |
Agaricales: Bolbitiaceae |
Checklist of the British and Irish Basidiomycota, Legon, N.W. & Henrici, A. with Roberts, P.J., Spooner, B.M. & Watling, R., 2005
/Fungi/Basidiomycota/Agaricomycetes/Agaricales/Bolbitiaceae/Conocybe antipus/ | Conocybe antipus | a conecap | | | | fruitbody |
Animal / dung / saprobe | | |
/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Large Herbivores/ | Large Herbivores | cattle, deer, pigs and horses | | straw-mixed | | dung | |
| | fruitbody is saprobic in/on dung or excretions of straw-mixed dung |
dung |
dung animal debris may support larva |
Acrossus rufipes |
a dung beetle |
Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae |
Dung Beetles and Chafers (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea), Jessop, L., 1986
/Animalia/Arthropoda/Insecta/Coleoptera/Scarabaeidae/Acrossus rufipes/ | Acrossus rufipes | a dung beetle | | | | larva |
Animal / dung / debris saprobe | | |
/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Large Herbivores/ | Large Herbivores | cattle, deer, pigs and horses | | | dung | | |
| | larva feeds on animal debris dung |
dung |
dung dung may support |
Lasiobolus diversisporus |
a discomycete |
Pezizales: Ascodesmidaceae |
New British Records 243: Lasiobolus diversisporus, Anderson, R., 2006
/Fungi/Ascomycota/Pezizomycetes/Pezizales/Ascodesmidaceae/Lasiobolus diversisporus/ | Lasiobolus diversisporus | a discomycete | | | | |
Animal / dung / saprobe | | |
/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Large Herbivores/ | Large Herbivores | cattle, deer, pigs and horses | | | dung | | |
| | is saprobic in/on dung or excretions of dung |
dung |
dung dung may support fruitbody |
Conocybe fuscimarginata |
a conecap |
Agaricales: Bolbitiaceae |
Checklist of the British and Irish Basidiomycota, Legon, N.W. & Henrici, A. with Roberts, P.J., Spooner, B.M. & Watling, R., 2005
/Fungi/Basidiomycota/Agaricomycetes/Agaricales/Bolbitiaceae/Conocybe fuscimarginata/ | Conocybe fuscimarginata | a conecap | | | | fruitbody |
Animal / dung / saprobe | | |
/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Large Herbivores/ | Large Herbivores | cattle, deer, pigs and horses | | | dung | | Minor |
| | fruitbody is saprobic in/on dung or excretions of dung |
dung (often straw-mixed, fermenting) |
often straw-mixed, fermenting dung dung may support fruitbody |
Coprinopsis cinerea |
Grey Inkcap |
Agaricales: Psathyrellaceae |
Checklist of the British and Irish Basidiomycota, Legon, N.W. & Henrici, A. with Roberts, P.J., Spooner, B.M. & Watling, R., 2005
/Fungi/Basidiomycota/Agaricomycetes/Agaricales/Psathyrellaceae/Coprinopsis cinerea/ | Coprinopsis cinerea | grey inkcap | | | | fruitbody |
Animal / dung / saprobe | | |
/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Large Herbivores/ | Large Herbivores | cattle, deer, pigs and horses | | often straw-mixed, fermenting | dung | | |
| | fruitbody is saprobic in/on dung or excretions of often straw-mixed, fermenting dung |
dung (soil mixed with) |
soil mixed with dung dung may support fruitbody |
Conocybe fuscimarginata |
a conecap |
Agaricales: Bolbitiaceae |
Checklist of the British and Irish Basidiomycota, Legon, N.W. & Henrici, A. with Roberts, P.J., Spooner, B.M. & Watling, R., 2005
/Fungi/Basidiomycota/Agaricomycetes/Agaricales/Bolbitiaceae/Conocybe fuscimarginata/ | Conocybe fuscimarginata | a conecap | | | | fruitbody |
Animal / dung / saprobe | | |
/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Large Herbivores/ | Large Herbivores | cattle, deer, pigs and horses | | soil mixed with | dung | | |
| | fruitbody is saprobic in/on dung or excretions of soil mixed with dung |
dung (weathered) |
weathered dung dung may support fruitbody |
Conocybe pubescens |
a conecap |
Agaricales: Bolbitiaceae |
Checklist of the British and Irish Basidiomycota, Legon, N.W. & Henrici, A. with Roberts, P.J., Spooner, B.M. & Watling, R., 2005
/Fungi/Basidiomycota/Agaricomycetes/Agaricales/Bolbitiaceae/Conocybe pubescens/ | Conocybe pubescens | a conecap | | | | fruitbody |
Animal / dung / saprobe | | |
/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Large Herbivores/ | Large Herbivores | cattle, deer, pigs and horses | | weathered | dung | | |
| | fruitbody is saprobic in/on dung or excretions of weathered dung |
dung (weathered) |
weathered dung dung may support fruitbody |
Conocybe rickenii |
a conecap |
Agaricales: Bolbitiaceae |
Checklist of the British and Irish Basidiomycota, Legon, N.W. & Henrici, A. with Roberts, P.J., Spooner, B.M. & Watling, R., 2005
/Fungi/Basidiomycota/Agaricomycetes/Agaricales/Bolbitiaceae/Conocybe rickenii/ | Conocybe rickenii | a conecap | | | | fruitbody |
Animal / dung / saprobe | | |
/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Large Herbivores/ | Large Herbivores | cattle, deer, pigs and horses | | weathered | dung | | Major |
| | fruitbody is saprobic in/on dung or excretions of weathered dung |
dung (weathered) |
weathered dung dung may support fruitbody |
Conocybe siennophylla |
a conecap |
Agaricales: Bolbitiaceae |
Checklist of the British and Irish Basidiomycota, Legon, N.W. & Henrici, A. with Roberts, P.J., Spooner, B.M. & Watling, R., 2005
/Fungi/Basidiomycota/Agaricomycetes/Agaricales/Bolbitiaceae/Conocybe siennophylla/ | Conocybe siennophylla | a conecap | | | | fruitbody |
Animal / dung / saprobe | | |
/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Large Herbivores/ | Large Herbivores | cattle, deer, pigs and horses | | weathered | dung | | |
| | fruitbody is saprobic in/on dung or excretions of weathered dung |
dung (weathered) |
weathered dung dung may support fruitbody |
Conocybe subpubescens |
Downy Conecap |
Agaricales: Bolbitiaceae |
Checklist of the British and Irish Basidiomycota, Legon, N.W. & Henrici, A. with Roberts, P.J., Spooner, B.M. & Watling, R., 2005
/Fungi/Basidiomycota/Agaricomycetes/Agaricales/Bolbitiaceae/Conocybe subpubescens/ | Conocybe subpubescens | downy conecap | | | | fruitbody |
Animal / dung / saprobe | | |
/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Large Herbivores/ | Large Herbivores | cattle, deer, pigs and horses | | weathered | dung | | |
| | fruitbody is saprobic in/on dung or excretions of weathered dung |
dung (weathered) |
weathered dung dung may support fruitbody |
Psathyrella sphaerocystis |
a brittlestem |
Agaricales: Psathyrellaceae |
Checklist of the British and Irish Basidiomycota, Legon, N.W. & Henrici, A. with Roberts, P.J., Spooner, B.M. & Watling, R., 2005
/Fungi/Basidiomycota/Agaricomycetes/Agaricales/Psathyrellaceae/Psathyrella sphaerocystis/ | Psathyrella sphaerocystis | a brittlestem | | | | fruitbody |
Animal / dung / saprobe | | |
/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Large Herbivores/ | Large Herbivores | cattle, deer, pigs and horses | | weathered | dung | | |
| | fruitbody is saprobic in/on dung or excretions of weathered dung |
dung (weathered) |
weathered dung dung may support fruitbody |
Psathyrella stercoraria |
a brittlestem |
Agaricales: Psathyrellaceae |
Checklist of the British and Irish Basidiomycota, Legon, N.W. & Henrici, A. with Roberts, P.J., Spooner, B.M. & Watling, R., 2005
/Fungi/Basidiomycota/Agaricomycetes/Agaricales/Psathyrellaceae/Psathyrella stercoraria/ | Psathyrella stercoraria | a brittlestem | | | | fruitbody |
Animal / dung / saprobe | | |
/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Large Herbivores/ | Large Herbivores | cattle, deer, pigs and horses | | weathered | dung | | |
| | fruitbody is saprobic in/on dung or excretions of weathered dung |
dung (weathered) |
weathered dung dung may support fruitbody |
Deconica merdaria |
a brownie |
Agaricales: Strophariaceae |
Checklist of the British and Irish Basidiomycota, Legon, N.W. & Henrici, A. with Roberts, P.J., Spooner, B.M. & Watling, R., 2005
/Fungi/Basidiomycota/Agaricomycetes/Agaricales/Strophariaceae/Deconica merdaria/ | Deconica merdaria | a brownie | | | | fruitbody |
Animal / dung / saprobe | | |
/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Large Herbivores/ | Large Herbivores | cattle, deer, pigs and horses | | weathered | dung | | Major |
| | fruitbody is saprobic in/on dung or excretions of weathered dung |
dungy straw (weathered) |
weathered dungy straw dung may support fruitbody |
Deconica merdaria |
a brownie |
Agaricales: Strophariaceae |
Checklist of the British and Irish Basidiomycota, Legon, N.W. & Henrici, A. with Roberts, P.J., Spooner, B.M. & Watling, R., 2005
/Fungi/Basidiomycota/Agaricomycetes/Agaricales/Strophariaceae/Deconica merdaria/ | Deconica merdaria | a brownie | | | | fruitbody |
Animal / dung / saprobe | | |
/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Large Herbivores/ | Large Herbivores | cattle, deer, pigs and horses | | weathered | dungy straw | | Minor |
| | fruitbody is saprobic in/on dung or excretions of weathered dungy straw |
manure (soil mixed with) |
soil mixed with manure dung may contain fruitbody |
Conocybe hornana |
a conecap |
Agaricales: Bolbitiaceae |
Checklist of the British and Irish Basidiomycota, Legon, N.W. & Henrici, A. with Roberts, P.J., Spooner, B.M. & Watling, R., 2005
/Fungi/Basidiomycota/Agaricomycetes/Agaricales/Bolbitiaceae/Conocybe hornana/ | Conocybe hornana | a conecap | | | | fruitbody |
Animal / dung / associate | | UK and/or Eire |
/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Large Herbivores/ | Large Herbivores | cattle, deer, pigs and horses | | soil mixed with | manure | | |
| | fruitbody inhabits dung of soil mixed with manure |