Streptopelia turtur (Linnaeus, 1758)
(Turtle Dove, European Turtle Dove)

Interactions where Streptopelia turtur is the victim or passive partner (and generally loses out from the process)

The following relationships have been collated from the published literature (see 'Interaction References').


Affected Part Summary Taxon Vernacular Classification References Darwin Classification of Active Taxon Active Taxon Active Vernacular Active Taxon Uncertain Active State Active Part Active Stage Relationship Relationship Uncertain Relationship Geography Darwin Classification of Passive Taxon Passive Taxon Passive Vernacular Passive Taxon Uncertain Passive State Passive Part Passive Stage Passive Taxon's significance to Active Taxon Indoors etc Season Summary
gullet (lesioned) lesioned gullet is endoparasitised by UK/IrelandMajor Trichomonas gallinae a trichomonad Trichomonad parasite infection in four species of Columbidae in the UK, Lennon,R.J., Dunn,J.C., Stockdale,J.E., Goodman,S.J., Morris,A.J. & Hamer,K.C., 2013
/Protozoa/Mastigophora (Class)/Trichomonas gallinae/Trichomonas gallinaea trichomonad Animal / parasite / endoparasiteUK and/or Eire /Animalia/Chordata/Aves/Columbiformes/Columbidae/Streptopelia turtur/Streptopelia turturturtle dove, european turtle dovelesionedgulletMajor endoparasitises lesioned gullet
respiratory tract (lesioned) lesioned respiratory tract is endoparasitised by UK/IrelandMajor Trichomonas gallinae a trichomonad Trichomonad parasite infection in four species of Columbidae in the UK, Lennon,R.J., Dunn,J.C., Stockdale,J.E., Goodman,S.J., Morris,A.J. & Hamer,K.C., 2013
/Protozoa/Mastigophora (Class)/Trichomonas gallinae/Trichomonas gallinaea trichomonad Animal / parasite / endoparasiteUK and/or Eire /Animalia/Chordata/Aves/Columbiformes/Columbidae/Streptopelia turtur/Streptopelia turturturtle dove, european turtle dovelesionedrespiratory tractMajor endoparasitises lesioned respiratory tract

Author & YearTitleSource
Lennon,R.J., Dunn,J.C., Stockdale,J.E., Goodman,S.J., Morris,A.J. & Hamer,K.C., 2013Trichomonad parasite infection in four species of Columbidae in the UKParasitology Vol 140: 1368-1376.

Streptopelia turtur (Turtle Dove, European Turtle Dove) may be included in 'feeds on' relations listed under the following higher taxa:

Streptopelia turtur (Turtle Dove, European Turtle Dove) may also be included in 'fed on by' relations listed under the following higher taxa:

Taxonomic hierarchy:
SpeciesStreptopelia turtur (Turtle Dove, European Turtle Dove)
GenusStreptopelia (doves)
FamilyCOLUMBIDAE (pigeons and doves)
OrderCOLUMBIFORMES (pigeons and doves)
ClassAVES (birds)
SuperclassTETRAPODA (a superclass of unassigneds)
PhylumCHORDATA (vertebrates)
SuperphylumDEUTEROSTOMIA (deuterostomes)
CladeBilateria (bilaterally symmetrical animals)
SubkingdomEUMETAZOA (metazoans)
KingdomANIMALIA (animals)
DomainEukaryota (eukaryotes)
LifeBIOTA (living things)
NBNNBN ( has a distribution map for Streptopelia turtur (Turtle Dove, European Turtle Dove)

Identification Works

Handling & MagnificationAuthorYearTitleSource
Carver, C. 2003 Turtle Doves Vol 15, No 2 Page: 123
Revels, R. 2007 Number of Turtle Doves continue to decline Vol 18, No 6 Page: 429
Revels, R. 2005 The Turtle Dove is one of the BAP species… Vol 16, No 4 Page: 254
Sterry, P. 2006 Turtle Dove in Mediterranean habitat Vol 17 (6) Page: 430

Streptopelia turtur (Turtle Dove, European Turtle Dove) may also be included in identification literature listed under the following higher taxa:

Literature listed under the following higher taxa may be relevant to Streptopelia turtur (Turtle Dove, European Turtle Dove):

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This website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.

Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material on the BioInfo website by Malcolm Storey is licensed under the above Creative Commons Licence.

BioInfo - Wildlife Information (UK)