Author | Lansdown R.V. & Pankhurst T.J. |
Title | Field Guide to the Identification of Difficult Aquatic Plants of the New Forest |
Type | Private publication |
How Complete | All the aquatic macrophytes recorded in the New Forest |
Illustrations | Line drawings and scanned leaves at the back |
Review (by Malcolm Storey) | A field guide to aquatic and some marginal/wet mud plants, including aliens, recorded from the New Forest. The coverage is wide but more detail is given for the "difficult" groups. Although restricted to the New Forest, that area is so rich, that most species found in the south of England are covered. The first part starts with a key to 14 sections based on vegetative characters. A key to genera for each section follows. The second part examines each genus, commencing with the Charophytes, followd by the other genera in alphabetical order. In a few cases there is simply a reference to other literature (especially the Plant Crib, 1998). Otherwise the treatment varies from hints on how to distinguish the plants to a full key to the New Forest species. |
Examine | ![]() ![]() |
Specimen Preparation | Fresh or pressed specimens |
Notes & Purpose | Status | Taxon | English | Classification |
For identification | Current | Isoetes echinospora | Spring Quillwort | Plantae: Isoetales: Isoetaceae |
For identification | Current | Acorus calamus | Sweet-flag | Plantae: Acorales: Acoraceae |
For identification | Current | Acorus gramineus | Slender Sweet-flag | Plantae: Acorales: Acoraceae |
For identification | Current | ALISMATACEAE | water-plantains | Plantae: Alismatales |
For identification | Current | Lemna | duckweeds | Plantae: Alismatales: Araceae |
For identification | Current | Butomus umbellatus | Flowering-rush | Plantae: Alismatales: Butomaceae |
For identification | Current | HYDROCHARITACEAE | waterweeds | Plantae: Alismatales |
For identification | Current | JUNCAGINACEAE | arrowgrasses | Plantae: Alismatales |
For identification | Current | POTAMOGETONACEAE | pondweeds | Plantae: Alismatales |
For identification | Current | Zannichellia palustris | Horned Pondweed | Plantae: Alismatales: Potamogetonaceae |
For identification | Current | Iris pseudacorus | Yellow Iris, Yellow Flag | Plantae: Asparagales: Iridaceae |
For identification | Current | Pontederia cordata | Pickerelweed | Plantae: Commelinales: Pontederiaceae |
For identification | Current | Apium | fool’s water-cresses, marshworts & celeries | Plantae: Apiales: Apiaceae |
For identification | Current | Berula erecta | Lesser Water-parsnip | Plantae: Apiales: Apiaceae |
For identification | Current | Oenanthe | water-dropworts | Plantae: Apiales: Apiaceae |
For identification | Current | Hydrocotyle | pennyworts | Plantae: Apiales: Araliaceae |
For identification | Current | Bidens | bur-marigolds | Plantae: Asterales: Asteraceae |
For identification | Current | Nymphoides peltata | Fringed Water-lily | Plantae: Asterales: Menyanthaceae |
For identification | Current | Myosotis | forget-me-nots | Plantae: Boraginaceae |
For identification | Current | Cardamine | bitter-cresses | Plantae: Brassicales: Brassicaceae |
For identification | Current | Rorippa | yellow-cresses and water-cresses | Plantae: Brassicales: Brassicaceae |
For identification | Current | Illecebrum verticillatum | Coral Necklace, Coral-necklace | Plantae: Caryophyllales: Caryophyllaceae |
For identification | Current | Stellaria alsine | Bog Stitchwort | Plantae: Caryophyllales: Caryophyllaceae |
For identification | Current | Drosera | sundews | Plantae: Caryophyllales: Droseraceae |
For identification | Current | Montia fontana | Blinks | Plantae: Caryophyllales: Montiaceae |
For identification | Current | Persicaria | knotweeds | Plantae: Caryophyllales: Polygonaceae |
For identification | Current | CERATOPHYLLACEAE | hornworts | Plantae: Ceratophyllales |
For identification | Current | Anagallis | pimpernels | Plantae: Ericales: Primulaceae |
For identification | Current | Hottonia palustris | Water-violet | Plantae: Ericales: Primulaceae |
For identification | Current | Cicendia filiformis | Yellow Centaury | Plantae: Gentianales: Gentianaceae |
For identification | Current | Galium | bedstraws | Plantae: Gentianales: Rubiaceae |
For identification | Current | Callitriche | water-starworts | Plantae: Lamiales: Plantaginaceae |
For identification | Current | Littorella uniflora | Shoreweed | Plantae: Lamiales: Plantaginaceae |
For identification | Current | Veronica | speedwells | Plantae: Lamiales: Plantaginaceae |
For identification | Current | Limosella aquatica | Mudwort | Plantae: Lamiales: Scrophulariaceae |
For identification | Current | ELATINACEAE | waterworts | Plantae: Malpighiales |
For identification | Current | Lythrum portula | Water-purslane | Plantae: Myrtales: Lythraceae |
For identification | Current | Ludwigia palustris | Hampshire Purslane, Hampshire-purslane | Plantae: Myrtales: Onagraceae |
For identification | Current | Myosurus minimus | Mousetail | Plantae: Ranunculales: Ranunculaceae |
For identification | Current | Ranunculus | buttercups and crowfoots | Plantae: Ranunculales: Ranunculaceae |
For identification | Current | Crassula helmsii | New Zealand Pigmyweed | Plantae: Saxifragales: Crassulaceae |
For identification | Current | Myriophyllum | water milfoils | Plantae: Saxifragales: Haloragaceae |
For identification | Current | CYPERACEAE | cotton-grasses, spike-rushes and sedges | Plantae: Poales |
For identification | Current | Juncus | rushes | Plantae: Poales: Juncaceae |
For identification | Current | Phragmites australis | Common Reed | Plantae: Poales: Poaceae |
For identification | Current | Leersia oryzoides | Cut-grass | Plantae: Poales: Poaceae |
For identification | Current | Glyceria | sweet-grasses | Plantae: Poales: Poaceae |
For identification | Current | Agrostis stolonifera | Creeping Bent | Plantae: Poales: Poaceae |
For identification | Current | Alopecurus geniculatus | Marsh Foxtail | Plantae: Poales: Poaceae |
For identification | Current | Catabrosa aquatica | Whorl-grass | Plantae: Poales: Poaceae |
For identification | Current | Phalaris arundinacea | Reed Canary-grass | Plantae: Poales: Poaceae |
For identification | Current | Sparganium | bur-reeds | Plantae: Poales: Typhaceae |
For identification | Current | Typha | bulrushes, reedmaces | Plantae: Poales: Typhaceae |
For identification | Current | Nuphar lutea | Yellow Water-lily | Plantae: Nymphaeales: Nymphaeaceae |
For identification | Current | Nymphaea alba | White Water-lily | Plantae: Nymphaeales: Nymphaeaceae |
For identification | Current | CHARACEAE | stoneworts | Plantae: Charales |
For identification | Current | Equisetum | horsetails | Plantae: Equisetales: Equisetaceae |
For identification | Current | Pilularia globulifera | Pillwort | Plantae: Salvinales: Marsileaceae |
For identification | Current | Azolla filiculoides | Water Fern | Plantae: Salvinales: Salvinaceae |
Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material on the BioInfo website by Malcolm Storey is licensed under the above Creative Commons Licence.