Affected Part |
Summary |
Taxon |
Vernacular |
Classification |
References |
Darwin Classification of Active Taxon |
Active Taxon |
Active Vernacular |
Active Taxon Uncertain |
Active State |
Active Part |
Active Stage |
Relationship |
Relationship Uncertain |
Relationship Geography |
Darwin Classification of Passive Taxon |
Passive Taxon |
Passive Vernacular |
Passive Taxon Uncertain |
Passive State |
Passive Part |
Passive Stage |
Passive Taxon's significance to Active Taxon |
Indoors etc |
Season |
Summary |
(rotting) |
rotting is decayed by larva |
Paranthomyza nitida |
an anthomyzid fly |
Diptera: Anthomyzidae |
A monograph of Palaearctic Anthomyzidae (Diptera), Part 2, Roháček, J., 2009
/Animalia/Arthropoda/Insecta/Diptera/Anthomyzidae/Paranthomyza nitida/ | Paranthomyza nitida | an anthomyzid fly | | | | larva |
Foodplant / saprobe | | |
/Plantae/Tracheophyta/Magnoliopsida/Caryophyllales/Caryophyllaceae/Stellaria nemorum/ | Stellaria nemorum | wood stitchwort | | rotting | | | |
| | larva is saprobic on rotting |
leaf (live) |
live leaf is spotted by mainly hypophyllous, whitish, greyish or pale synnema of Phacellium dematiaceous anamorph |
Phacellium episphaerium |
a dematiaceous anamorphic fungus |
Capnodiales: Mycosphaerellaceae |
Monograph of Cercosporella, Ramularia and Allied Genera - Vol II, Braun, U., 1998 Phacellium sorbi (Peck) comb. nov. (Hyphomycetes), new to Britain from leaf spots on Sorbus aucuparia, Spooner, B., 2008
/Fungi/Ascomycota/Dothideomycetes/Capnodiales/Mycosphaerellaceae/Phacellium episphaerium/ | Phacellium episphaerium | a dematiaceous anamorphic fungus | | mainly hypophyllous, whitish, greyish or pale | synnema | Phacellium dematiaceous anamorph |
Foodplant / spot causer | | UK and/or Eire |
/Plantae/Tracheophyta/Magnoliopsida/Caryophyllales/Caryophyllaceae/Stellaria nemorum/ | Stellaria nemorum | wood stitchwort | | live | leaf | | |
| | mainly hypophyllous, whitish, greyish or pale synnema of Phacellium dematiaceous anamorph causes spots on live leaf |
leaf (live) |
live leaf is parasitised by hypophyllous telium |
Puccinia arenariae |
Sweet William Rust |
Pucciniales: Pucciniaceae |
Microfungi on Land Plants: An Identification Handbook, Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
/Fungi/Basidiomycota/Pucciniomycetes/Pucciniales/Pucciniaceae/Puccinia arenariae/ | Puccinia arenariae | sweet william rust | | hypophyllous | | telium |
Foodplant / parasite | | |
/Plantae/Tracheophyta/Magnoliopsida/Caryophyllales/Caryophyllaceae/Stellaria nemorum/ | Stellaria nemorum | wood stitchwort | | live | leaf | | |
| | hypophyllous telium parasitises live leaf |
stem (live) |
live stem is spotted by whitish, greyish or pale synnema of Phacellium dematiaceous anamorph |
Phacellium episphaerium |
a dematiaceous anamorphic fungus |
Capnodiales: Mycosphaerellaceae |
Monograph of Cercosporella, Ramularia and Allied Genera - Vol II, Braun, U., 1998 Phacellium sorbi (Peck) comb. nov. (Hyphomycetes), new to Britain from leaf spots on Sorbus aucuparia, Spooner, B., 2008
/Fungi/Ascomycota/Dothideomycetes/Capnodiales/Mycosphaerellaceae/Phacellium episphaerium/ | Phacellium episphaerium | a dematiaceous anamorphic fungus | | whitish, greyish or pale | synnema | Phacellium dematiaceous anamorph |
Foodplant / spot causer | | UK and/or Eire |
/Plantae/Tracheophyta/Magnoliopsida/Caryophyllales/Caryophyllaceae/Stellaria nemorum/ | Stellaria nemorum | wood stitchwort | | live | stem | | |
| | whitish, greyish or pale synnema of Phacellium dematiaceous anamorph causes spots on live stem |